First Blog

Woohoo…finally, after ‘years’ of researching and scouting, we have finally created a BLOG!!!!  It will be mainly written by me (Rachel), and occasionally Shern will..WILL blog once in a blue moon..

So far we have settled down in London, or at least I did…Adjusting to each other, and discovering new things about each other. It’s really amazing how things can change after you get married! Let me give you an example: During courtship time, he was very tidy and always nag me on how I used to throw clothes everywhere etc…BUT now??!! He’s the one who’s throwing the clothes everywhere, and I would be nagging!

We have started going to this marriage course by Nicky & Sila Lee on Sept 27th, 2010. It’s a 7 weeks course, which happens every Monday. After our first session, we realise…wow…that’s many more things to COME! hahaa…Marriage is a journey, I’m glad we signed up for the course, it really helped us to build a strong marriage.

We made a point to blog at least once a month to keep you guys back at home updated. So stay tune for Oct =)

In Brighton

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