2012- A New Begining…

2011 has been a very interesting year. In the month of December it was just pure chaos for both of us. Restaurant was getting very busy, so often I came back tired. I was really thankful that my mother in law was there to help out with the house work. Cooking, tidying places…THANK YOU!!!! My legs and body just get so tired, I would sleep at around 9:30pm! Yes, it’s that early!

The other major event was that we were moving…yes moving during winter is just pure craziness. Thank God it did not snow. It was cold but not too cold as 2010. So we have to pack everything in boxes, called removers, and I thought that was done. Only to discover we have missed the store room area =.= So have no choice, but to move it ourselves. One evening, we have finally taken the last few boxes, and it was raining. I was thinking to myself, this is not happening!!!! Shern decided to ask for a cab. Just for your info, London cabs are expensive, not that friendly. I was inside building with the boxes and Shern was out to find a cab, and I said a little prayer :’Lord, it’s raining, and it’s quite difficult for us, could you just send a samaritan, Amen’. That’s all I said. 5 mins later, Shern came back with a cab, we started moving the boxes into the cab. Sure enough, the man came out, and helped us move!!! Not only that, he helped us to arrange the boxes in the cab so that we do not need to do 2 trips! WOW!!!! All I could say was: Thank you LORD!!! This is just so rare! It was raining, and the man did not even hesitate to come out of the cab to help us. After we have unloaded the stuff, we thank him and gave him a good tip.

It was also a year of strengthening relationship between the 2 of us. We were dating long distance for 8 years, so there were not much of arguments that could take place within those times. Tensions grow, conflicts happened more often ( rest assured, nothing bad happened). We realize that we are fighting more than ever ( again, it’s normal for completely normal couple to fight), and my job was not helping the situation. So we came to compromise, and decided to just pause a little while and work things out. We’ve learnt to deal with conflicts better and we appreciate each other more.

Year 2012 is even more interesting, as there are more events yet to be unfold. Stay tune 🙂

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