Alpha International Week


It has been really a busy and hectic week. June 6-10th was the Alpha International Week whereby people from all over the world came to HTB to attend the conference. I signed up for Registration, catering and Headset team. The busiest was being in a catering team. Getting ready for tea for tea breaks, lunch and then tea breaks for hundreds of people. It was never ending task.

For the last week, I’ve been waking up at 5am, going out at 5:45am, at the end of the day, I was already exhausted and went to bed early. But I really had alot of fun. Getting to meet different delegates and being part of the volunteer team. I managed to meet up with Larry Lee who came all the way from Malaysia. Wasn’t able to really catch up because I was busy, but it was just great to see fellow Malaysians in London.

Met some volunteers who we got along well. Neha from India, Jessica from US, Kassy from China, Aimon from Thailand, Nancy from Philippines and many many many more. It was just really great to have finally come out of my ‘shell’ and begin to socialize with humans.

Now back to church office and helping out Rev Ian Dyble. Just great to see people from different departments. Can’t wait to go back to KL!!!!

KL here I come!!!!!!

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